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1.      Alexandrescu, Crisitina-Georgeta (Ed.), Iupiter on our side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube Area, Bucureşti, 2013.

2.     Antonescu, Teohari, Cultul Cabirilor în Dacia. Studiu arheologic şi mythologic asupra unor monumente antice, în mare parte inedite şi descoperite în regiunile Istrului, Bucureşti, 2005 (See also: Cavalerul Trac, Cavalerul Danubian).

3.     Băluţă, Cloşca, Monumentul statuar cu Pluton şi Proserpina de la Apulum (Dacia). In: Apulum 2001, 301-306 (See also: Pluton, Proserpina).

4.     Bărbulescu, Mihai; Cătinaş, Ana, Les inscriptions de’un temple de Potaissa. In: Matei, Ştefan (Ed.), La politique édilitaire dans les provinces de l’Empire Romain, Cluj-Napoca, 1993, 49-64.

5.     Bolindeţ-Rusu, Viorica, Considérations sur l’attribution des vases de Dacie romaine décorés de serpents appliqués. In: EN 3, 1993, 123-141. (see also: Liber Pater, Asclepius et Hygeia).

6.     Deac, Dan, Imitating the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Script in the Roman Era. The Case from Potaissa. In: Zeitschrift fur Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 141, 2014 (forthcomin) (See also: Isis, Serapis)

7.     Deac, Dan; Tomorad, Mladen, A Pseudo-Shabti Statuette Discovered in Tibiscum (Dacia Superior). In: ActaMP 35, 2013 (forthcoming)

8.    Diaconescu, Alexandru, „Clasicismul” în plastica minoră din Dacia Romană, Cluj-Napoca, 2013.

9.     Fiedler, Manuel; Höpken, Constanze, Das „gemeinschaftliche” un das „private” Opfer: Beispiele aus dem Spektrum von Votivpraktien in römichen Heiligtümern, dargestellt an Befunden aus Apulum und Sarmizegetusa (Dakien). In: Frevel, Christian; Hesber, von Henner (eds.), Kult und Kommunikation. Medien in Heiligtümern der Antike, Wiesbaden, 2007,  435-466. (see also: Liber Pater, Dominus et Domina)

10.                        Haynes, Ian, Sharing secrets? The material culture of mystery cults from Londinium, Apulum and beyond. In: Clark, Johan; Cotton, Jonathan; Hall, Jenny; Sherris, Roz; Swain, Hedley (Eds.), Londinium and Beyond: Essays on Roman London and its Hinterland for Harvey Sheldon, London, 2008, 128-133. (See also: Liber Pater, Mithras).

11.  Nemeti, Irina; Zăgreanu, Radu, Sculptural monuments from the Roman Lapidarium of the National History Museum of Transilvania. In: EphNap  23, 2013, 277-295.

12. Nemeti, Sorin; Nemeti, Irina, I banchetti religiosi nella Dacia romana. Testimonianze epigraphiche. In: Ruscu, Ligia (Ed.), Banquets of Gods, Banquets of Men. Conviviality in the Ancient World, Cluj-Napoca, 2014 (forthcoming) (See also: Liber Pater, palmyr istenségek temploma, Mithras).

13.Onofrei, Cosmin, The Jews in Roman Dacia. A review of archaeologic and epigraphic data. In: EN 24, 2014, 221-237 (See also: Theos Hypsistos, Deus Aeternus).

14. Panaite, Adriana,  Protective divinities of the roman roads. In: Alexandrescu, Crisitina-Georgeta (Ed.), Iupiter on our side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube Area, Bucureşti, 2013, 133-143  (See also: Lares, Triviae, Quadriviae).

15. Pundt, Heather, Community Worship. In: Pundt, Heather (Ed.), Mining culture in Roman Dacia. Empire, community and identity at the gold mines of Alburnus Maior, Ph.D. Thesis, Portland State University, 2012, 115-122 (See also: Melantonio).

16. Rossignol, Benoit, Municipal and Provincial Priests from the Danubian Provinces (Pannonia, Dacia, Moesia superior). In: Richardson, James; Santangelo, Federico (Eds.), Priests and State in the Roman World, Stuttgart, 2011, 577-603.

17. Szabó Csaba, Urbs et cultus deorum. Római vallás a városokban – módszertani áttekintés. In: Vallástudományi Szemle 1/ 2014, 42-58.

18. Szabó Csaba, Notes on a new salariarius in Apulum. In: Apulum 51, 2014, 533-544. (See also: Nemesis, Mars)

19. Szabó Csaba, Discovering the gods in Apulum: historiography and new perspectives. In: ReDiva II, 2014, 52-83. (See also: Liber Pater, Mithras)

20. Szabó Csaba, Roman religious studies in Romania. Historigraphy and perspectives. In: EphNap 24, 2014, 195-209.




Badones Reginae


  1. Szabó Csaba, Badones Reginae: individual religious acts of Celtic women in Apulum. XIII. F.E.R.C.A.N. workshop, Lampeter, University of Wales. Poster. 2014


Danubian Reider/Horseman


  1. Nemeti, Sorin; Ardeţ, Adrian, A relief from Tibiscum depicting the Danubian Reiders. In: Tibiscum 3, 2013, 213-221.
  2. Ibarra, Álvaro,  Dacian riders: transcultural expressions of religious identity in Roman Dacia int he mids of War. In: Brody, Lisa (ed.), Roman in the provinces. Art on the periphery of the Empire. Chicago University Press, 2014, 171-184.


Dea Dardanica


1. Tudor, Dumitru; Vladescu, Cristian, Dardanii la Romula-Malva. In: Apulum 10, 1972, 183-190.


Dominus et Domina


1. Fiedler, Manuel; Höpken, Constanze, Becher und Lampe: Weihegaben von einem römischen Opferplatz in Sarmizegetusa. In: Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta 39, 2005, 317-320.




1. Dudău, alexandru, The iconography of Genius in the Roman province of Dacia. A commented corpus. In: Transylvanian Review Suppl 2, 2011, 109-124.




1. Petersen, Eugen,  Die dreigestaltige Hekate. In: AEM 4, 1880, 140-174.
1. Bolog, Adrian Cosmin, Cultul lui Hercules in Dacia. In: PA 9. 2009, 65-80.
1. Cristea, Ştefana, "Im Horus the Savior".Representations of Horus - Harpocrates in Roman Dacia. In: Ziridava 28,  115-135. 
1. Ota, Radu, O statuetă lui Icarus descoperită la Apulum. In: AMS, 6, 2014, 253-257.

Iuppiter Optimus Maximus


1. Ota, Radu, Remarks on the stone statues of Jupiter in Dacia. In: Alexandrescu, Crisitina-Georgeta (Ed.), Iupiter on our side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube Area, Bucureşti, 2013, 63-79.


Iuppiter Dolichenus


1. Sanzi, Ennio, Intorno ad alcune epigrafi dolichene di Dacia. In: Sanzi, Ennio (Ed.), Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus, Roma, 2013, 269-276.




1. Deac, Dan; Varga, Rada, The cult of Isis in Apulum. In: Bibliotheca isiaca 3, 2014, 11-19.  (See also: Serapis, Harpocrates)


Liber Pater


  1. Egri, Mariana, Roman lamps from Liber Pater sanctuary, Apulum: Alba Iulia, Romania. In: Lychnological acts 1. Actes du 1er Congrés international d’études sur le luminaire antique (Nyon-Genéve 29. 9.- 4.10. 2003), Montagnac, 2005, 85-87.
  2. Fiedler, Manuel, Kultgruben eines Liber Pater-Heiligtums in römischen Apulum (Dakien). Ein Vorbericht. In: Germania 83, 2005, 95-125.
  3. Fiedler, Manuel, Bankette für Liber Pater in Apulum. In: Studia Historica 59, 1, 2014, 189-203.
  4. Höpken, Constanze, Fiedler, Manuel,  Die römische Gläser von der Grabung eines Liber Pater Heiligtums in Apulum (Rumänien). Ein Vorbericht. In: Kölner Jahrbuch 35, 2002, 375-390.
  5. Gudea, Alexandru, Fauna din templul lui Liber Pater de la Apulum. 1. Oase ale scheletului apendicular provenite de la mamifere. In: Apulum 37, 2001, 209-234.
  6. Ota, Radu, Several accounts on the worship of Liber Pater-Dionysos in Apulum. In:Marius Rotar; Victor Tudor Roşu (eds.), Alcoholism: historical and social issues, Alba Iulia, 2009, 161-168.
  7. Schäfer, Alfred, Deliberate destruction and ritual deposition. In: EN 24, 2014, 39-51.
  8. Schäfer, Alfred, Götterbilder in dionysischen Vereinen. Zur Konstruktion von dynamischen Denk- und Handlungsräumen. In: Boschung, Dietrich; Schäfer, Alfred (Eds.), Römsche Götterbilder der Mittelern und Späten Kaiserzeit, Köln, 2014.




  1. Dirven, Lucinda; McCarthy, Matthew, Local idioms and global meanings. In: Brody, Lisa (ed.), Roman in the provinces. Art on the periphery of the Empire. Chicago University Press, 2014, 127-144. 
  2. Kuun Géza, Nabarza istennévről. In: Keresztény Magvető 17, 1882, 1-6.
  3. Popescu, Mihai, Tracce del culto di Mithra petrogenitus e Sol Invictus nel folklore romeno. In: Acta philologica. Societas Academica Dacoromana 1, 1958, 53-62.
  4. Sicoe, Gabriel, Die Mitraische Steindenkmaeler von Dakien, Cluj-Napoca, 2014.
  5. Szabó Csaba, The cult of Mithras in Apulum. Communities and individuals. In: Zerbini, Livio (Ed.), Proceedings of the II. International Conference of Roman Danubian Provinces, 2014 (forthcoming).
  6. Szabó Csaba, Notes on the Mithraic small finds from Sarmizegetusa. In: Ziridava 28, 2014, 135-148.
  7. Szabó Csaba,  Notes on a new statue of Cautes from Apulum. In: Archaeologische Korrespondenzblatt, 3/2015. Forthcomming
  8. Szabó Csaba - Bounegru, George – Sava, Victor, Mithras rediscovered. Notes on the CIMRM 1938. In: Ziridava 28, 2014, 149-156.




Was the rustic god of the bounty of the vegetable garden. He was also honoured as the protector of sheep, goats, bees, the vine and of all garden produce. Priapos was depicted as a dwarfish man with an emphazised genitalia, which symbolised garden fertility. His head was crowned with a peaked Phrygian cap, belying his origin as a god native to the Mysian city of Lampsakos on the Hellespont. His cult was introduced into Greece and Italy. In Dacia he is attested on small figurative monuments related mainly to the fertility and on inscription as Priapus Pantheos.


See also: Bounegru et al. 2007, Ota 2012.




1. Ciobanu, Radu, Les dieux vents.  Iconographie et symboles á partir d’une mosaique d’Apulum. In: Alexandrescu, Crisitina-Georgeta (Ed.), Iupiter on our side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube Area, Bucureşti, 2013, 157-167.




1. Antal, Adriana, Venus Cult in the Epigraphic Monuments from Dacia. In: AUV 16,1 2014, 37-45.
  1. Nemeti, Sorin, Magical practices in Dacia and Moesia Inferior. In: Alexandrescu, Crisitina-Georgeta (Ed.), Iupiter on our side. Gods and humans in antiquity in the Lower Danube Area, Bucureşti, 2013, 143-156.
  2. Németh György, Ein Bleitäfelchen aus Apulum. In: ZPE 190, 2014, 311.
  1. Rubel, Alexander, Das spätantike donarium von Biertan in kontext der Römischen religion. In: Cocis, Sorin (Ed.), Archäologische Beiträge. Gedenkschrift zum hundertsten Geburtstag von Kurt Horedt, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 243-252.​
  2. Russu, Ioan, Un relief roman din Potaissa. In: Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche şi arheologie 27, 3, 1976, 410.
  3. Chrzanovski, Laurent,  A nouveau sur le Donarium de Biertan. In: Cocis, Sorin (Ed.), Archäologische Beiträge. Gedenkschrift zum hundertsten Geburtstag von Kurt Horedt, Cluj-Napoca, 2014, 253-268.
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